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What will I be doing in the next 20 years?​


   Honestly speaking, I have no idea what will happen to me in the next 20 years; I don't think anyone knows. 20 years from now, I'll most likely be at a divergent place compared to now. I don't really know what I'll be doing; however, I do have some goals that I want to accomplish in the next 2 decades. All these little goals will accumulate to my becoming a successful and happy fashion designer.

   By the end of this year, I want to marvel over my admission into a fashion school. It'd be wonderful if I could get into Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, but any fashion school works for me since I applied to the ones where I could envision myself as a student. I'll also have complete my senior project which is to hold a fashion show at Alameda Community Learning Center.

   In the next few years, I'll attend a fashion school, learn fashion design based around the industry's standards, intern at a fashion company, and maybe even study abroad in Paris or Italy. I'll also have taken business classes so that I can set up my own fashion line. By the end of my college years, I'll be prepared to showcase my skills within the fashion industry and work full-time at a company where I had previously interned. During the first 10 years into my goal of becoming a fashion designer, I'll have made many connections and social networkings with many different kinds of people, from models, to visual communication majors.

   In the next decade, I'll have relinquished my position from my old job to start my own line called JoE. It takes my last name and the first letter of my name. My line will be popular with females and when I make enough money, I'll be able to donate significant amounts of money to charities to help those in need. When I become successful, happy, and make money, I'll send my parents on vacations and even buy them a house.

  Things may not happen as I hope for it to be, but as long as I clasp onto positive energy and good thoughts, things will turn out to be favorable. In the long run, after 20 years, when I am 38 years old, I'll be able to reminisce and reflect on my experiences and say, “Things turned out well.” In 20 years, I will be rapturously jubilant.  


20 Year Vision

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